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QuickBooks Passwords

Many users are finding that when they upgrade they are now being forced to use complex passwords and to change them every 90 days. While this may be annoying it was not done to aggravate you. Intuit did this to make the software compliant with PPI (credit card) and other regulations. The rules require security for credit card information and social security information. So even if you don’t keep credit card information in your QuickBooks file, employee social security numbers and vendors with 1099 information can trigger the requirement.

You can read more about the requirements at

A complex password must be at least 8 characters and contain upper case letters, lower case letters and numbers or symbols.

While you can’t stop the requirement, unless you never update your software, you can be prepared and understand why this is happening.

Note that Intuit recognizes the inconvenience that may be involved, especially for users with multiple files that they log in and out of during the day. They are looking at ways to improve the process. You can provide feedback and ideas through the feedback option in the program.

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