There are lots of people willing to give you advice on improving your business, and many of them have written a book (or two). “Getting Naked” by Patrick Lencioni is one of those books, but one I recommend reading. It gives advice that is easy to understand and he presents it in the form of a […]
Timeslips obsolescence policy change
Effective immediately, Sage has announced a change in the obsolescence policy for Timeslips. The new policy is quoted below. If you are running Timeslips v2013 this means that support will end in June. If you are using Timeslips e-center or merchant account you must be on a supported version of Timeslips. If you would like […]
Finding your Words
Document management comes in many firms. As firms of all types look to become paperless this becomes even more important. If eveyone in your firm is well training and puts documents in exactly the right place then it is easier to find them. But does this always happen? Additionally maybe you wrote something that is […]
Should I switch from Amicus Small Firm?
If you are currently using Amicus Small Firm edition perhaps it is time to think about a change. I am not suggesting you get rid of Amicus! What I am suggesting is a platform change. Gavel & Gown has three practice management offerings – Amicus Small Firm, Amicus Premium and Amicus Cloud. While support for […]
Do you need a Client Portal?
What is a client portal and why do you care? Is is worth upgrading your software for this feature? Read our article in the Intuitive Accountant “Client Portals are the rage, but are they right for you?“